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George F. Malone collection of anti-communist and right-wing literature, 1940-1965

The collection consists of anti-communist and other right-wing literature that was distributed in the U.S. from the late 1940s through the early 1960s (with the bulk of material from the early 1950s). George F. Malone’s purpose in collecting these materials is unknown. The collection includes files on the following organizations, publications, people, and topics: Allen, Marylin R.; American Flag Committee; American Heritage Protective Committee; American Protestant League; Americanism Bulletin; Armstrong, George W.; California Anti-Communist League; Canadian Intelligence Service Newsletter; Christian Nationalist Crusade; Cinema Educational Guild; Constitutional Educational League; Defenders of the Christian Faith; Destiny: The Magazine of National Life; Destiny of America radio broadcast; Draft MacArthur; Foundation for Economic Education; Free Christian Enterprise; Gallaher, E.B. (Clover Manufacturing); Goff, Kenneth; The Good Seed; Headlines and What’s Behind Them; Helphingstine, Mary Jane; House of Prayer for All People; Hoyle, E.K.; The Individualist; The Interpreter; The Investigator; The Isolationist; Keep America Committee; Klein, Henry H.; Los Angeles Hebrew Mission; The Malist; Michelson, A.U. and the Hebrew Evangelization Society; The Midnight Cry; Minute Women of the USA; National Message Newsletter; Proselytic ephemera, General; Proselytic ephemera, Jewish; Pyramid Centre; The Reminder of Our National Heritage; Robinson, Herbert; Small Business Economic Foundation; Springer, Rev. Harvey H.; Truth and Liberty Magazine; Tuttle, W.B.; United States Day Committee; Wage Earners Committee; West Virginia Anti-Communist League; What Do You Think? (by Conan, Mrs. M.); Williams, Robert H.; Women’s Voice. There are also two folders of unsorted ephemera and correspondence and one folder of unsorted pamphlets. Note that in the collection are some folders on proselytizing and evangelizing to Jews, including a folder of material from A.U. Michelson, the head of the Hebrew Christian movement in Los Angeles, and a folder of material from the Los Angeles Hebrew Mission.


Malone, George F.


1 carton, 1 box, and 1 oversize folder (1.2 linear feet)

Collection #

BANC MSS 2010/722

Publication Date

May 11, 1940

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