Cal Day Tours

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Special tours will be given by Director and Curator of The Magnes every hour.

Cal Day 2014 | Slow Art Day at The Magnes

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

In addition to offering Cal Day exhibition tours, The Magnes in downtown Berkeley joins museums nationwide for Slow Art Day, a celebration of art that encourages people to look at art slowly and experience it in a new way. For more information on Cal Day, visit   Art viewing: 11am-1pm Lunch: 1pm-2pm at Saturn Cafe

CalDay 2015 | Weekend Open Galleries

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Special Weekend Opening on CalDay! April 18 & 19, 11AM-4PM ON VIEW THIS SPRING: The Future of Memory: Jewish Culture in the Digital Age What should we remember? What should we forget? And who decides? An innovative project that includes an installation, a museum exhibition, and a digital research lab in which museum professionals, scholars, […]

Cal Week 2021

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

As Berkeley's official open house, Cal Week is where the entire Berkeley campus community devotes time to engage with our newly admitted students. The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life has several opportunities for incoming students to learn more about us, including a curatorial conversation from our Zooming In series, student profiles and testimonials from our undergraduate […]

Cal Day 2023 Open House

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Stop by to grab a kosher treat and learn about The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, the outstanding Jewish museum located right here at UC Berkeley. Enjoy exhibitions in our three galleries and discover ways you can get involved with research and programming dedicated to life in the global Jewish diaspora.