The 2017 Taubman Lectures l David Biale “On Jewish Heresy “

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Chair in Jewish Studies invites you to the 2017 Taubman Lecture Series by Professor David Biale. On Jewish Heresy I A Three Lecture Series Lecture 1 Rabbinizing Heresy: Korah in the Midrash When: Monday, March 13, 7:00 p.m. Lecture 2 The Afterlives of Baruch Spinoza and Shabbatai Zvi When: […]

PopUp Exhibition: Ron Feldman on Keeping (Jewish) Time

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Ron Feldman is a Visiting Scholar at the Graduate Theological Union, where he earned his PhD in History of Culture and Religion with an emphasis on Judaism. In addition, he earned his MBA from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, and has been serving as the Chief Financial Officer of the JCC of the East […]

Reclaiming the Self in Jewish American Culture

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

More than any other generation, Post World War II Jewish American authors were continually engaged in challenging their own tradition and defied any attempt to characterize their texts as distinctly “Jewish.” This talk will portray a new style of writing in literature that redefined a new sense of Jewish self in American culture. Even though […]

PopUp Exhibition: Eric Drooker on the Art of Political Activism

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Eric Drooker's drawings and posters are a familiar sight in the global street art movement, while his paintings appear frequently on covers of The New Yorker. A Berkeley resident for many years, Drooker was born and raised in New York City, where he began to slap his images on the streets as a teenager. Over […]

PopUp Exhibition: Ira Fink on El Lissitzky’s Had Gadya: Context and Meaning

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Alongside a distinguished career in college and university planning, Ira Fink has assembled a significant research collection of books on synagogue architecture and Jewish ceremonial art. A graduate of UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design and a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Dr. Fink’s family collection includes one of the few surviving sets […]

Film Screening + Discussion: Israeli Artists in Conversation with Israel

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Magnes is delighted to co-sponsor, The Berkley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies' Israeli Artists in Conversation with Israel, An International Conference on Israeli Art and Society Wednesday, April 5 Conference Opening: Film Screening, at The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94720 5:30pm RECEPTION 6:00pm FILM […]

Israeli Artists in Performance: Israeli Artists in Conversation with Israel

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Magnes is delighted to co-sponsor, The Berkley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies' Israeli Artists in Conversation with Israel, An International Conference on Israeli Art and Society Thursday, April 6 ISRAELI ARTISTS IN PERFORMANCE 6:00pm DINNER RECEPTION 6:30pm PERFORMANCES Yair Dalal c.a.t.a.m.o.n dance troupe Ibrahim Miari 8:30pm End of Program

PopUp Exhibition: Barbara Goldstein on Jewish Family Values in 19th-century Anti-Semitic Literature

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Barbara Goldstein is a historian of European fascism. She received her PhD from the University of Vienna, Austria with a dissertation devoted to newsreel films created by the Austrian Police between 1929-1938 as part of governmental fascist propaganda campaigns.One of Goldstein’s focuses and special interests is in historic administrative structures and “infamous people” in the […]

The 15th Annual City of Berkeley Holocaust Remembrance Day Event

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Talk l Music l Reception Honoring Jacob "Yakov" Harari, who will share the riveting story of his family's survival in Poland, along with a musical performance by The Ensemble Bembrillo, featuring Rachel Valfer, Eliyahu Sills, and Dan Cantrell. This event is free and open to the public.

PopUp Exhibition | Shana Penn: The Politics of Memory: The New Yad Vashem Exhibition at Auschwitz State Museum

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Shana Penn is executive director of the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture and a visiting scholar at the Graduate Theological Union's Center for Jewish Studies. Her award-winning book, Solidarity’s Secret: The Women Who Defeated Communism in Poland (University of Michigan Press, 2005) examined women’s leadership role in defeating Poland’s communist regime. Presently, Penn is completing […]

PopUp Exhibition: Agnieszka Ilwicka on Love in the Ruins: Jewish Life in Lower Silesia 1945-1968 in the voice of the oral history

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Polish-born Yiddishist and oral historian Agnieszka Ilwicka will talk about her research project "Love in the Ruins: Jewish Life in Lower Silesia 1945-1968." After World War II, Lower Silesia was the largest Jewish settlement in Europe. Ilwicka will share her journey through Yiddish, Polish, Hebrew, and German stories recorded in the U.S., Israel, Germany, and […]

Opening Reception l The Invisible Museum: History & Memory of Morocco & Sketching “Fiddler”: Set Designs by Mentor Huebner

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life cordially invites you to an opening reception for its two new exhibitions: The Invisible Museum: History & Memory of Morocco and Sketching "Fiddler": Set Designs by Mentor Huebner Reception Opening Remarks George Breslauer, Faculty Director, The Magnes History & Memory of Morocco Francesco Spagnolo, Curator, The Magnes Emily […]