Bill Chayes

Bill Chayes

Bill Chayes began his career in film production, exhibition design and education by working with classic film documentarians Richard Leacock at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and John Marshall at the Center for Documentary Anthropology in Cambridge, Mass....
Florence B. Helzel (1921-2024)

Florence B. Helzel (1921-2024)

Florence B. Helzel is a former curator of prints and drawings at the Judah L. Magnes Museum. She and her husband Leo Helzel were among the early supporters of the Museum. With degrees from Mills College and John F. Kennedy University’s Museum Studies Program, Florence...

Ruth Kelson Rafael

Ruth Kelson Rafael was born on October 28, 1929. She received an MLS from University of California, Berkeley, in 1967, and an MA from San Francisco State University in 1952. She became the Archivist of the Western Jewish History Center in 1969. She was also the...

Ruth Eis

Born in Germany and immigrated to the United States in the 1930’s, Ruth Eis (née Levy), was the founding Curator of Judaica at the Judah L. Magnes Museum (1962). She guided the development of the Judaica collection, and established its international reputation...