Illuminator, Animator and Transformer of Jewish texts, objects, spaces and souls
David Moss (b. 1946)
Artist David Moss (born 1946) was in residence at the Magnes from 1974 to 1977. Inspired by the Magnes collection, during his tenure he revived the practice of illustrating ketubbot (Jewish marriage contracts). David Moss currently lives and works in Jerusalem.
The following resumé is taken from David Moss’ website.
Illuminator • Animator • Transformer of Jewish Texts, Objects, Spaces, and Souls
Il-lu-mi-nate [< Lat. luminare bringing light] v. tr
1. To light up.
2. To make understandable; clarify.
3. To enlighten intellectually or spiritually.
4. To endow with splendor; celebrate.
5. To adorn with ornamental designs, miniatures, or lettering in brilliant colors or precious metals.
An-i-mate [< Lat. anima soul]. tr.v
1. To give life to; to fill with life.
2. To impart interest or zest; to enliven.
3. To impart soulfulness to.
4. To inspire, prompt, encourage, stimulate, or arouse.
5. To fill with spirit or resolution.
6. To make, design, or produce so as to create the feelings of activity or liveliness.
Trans-form [< Latin trans beyond + forma substance, shape or form] tr.v
1. To give new form or appearance to.
2. To change in character or potential.
3. To remold the mode in which a thing exists, acts or manifests itself.
4. To reconstruct or recast in a new or different way.
5. To reeducate or redevelop the mind or character.
6. To refashion or retrain.
1946 Born in Ohio
1946-1975 Creative tutelage under Jack Moss
1968 B.A. Liberal Arts cum laude. St. John’s College of Annapolis and Santa Fe.
1968-1971 Hebrew University and the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Residencies, etc.:
1974-7 Judah Magnes Museum, Berkeley, California,
1979, 82, 84 Brandeis Bardin Institute in Southern California,
1980-81 Mishkenot Shaananim in Jerusalem,
1990, 91 Camp Ramah, Palmer, Massachusetts
1992-present Camp Ramah, Wisconsin
1997-98 Center For Southern Jewry, Clayton, Georgia
1999-present Camp Ramah, Ontario, Canada
1992 The Israel Museum’s Jesselson Prize for Contemporary Judaica
1999-2002 Artist-in-Residence, Yakar Center for Tradition and Creativity
Works exhibited at (E) or in the permanent collections (C) of:
British Museum (C), Duke University (C), Harvard University Libraries (E/C), Hebrew Union College (E/C), Getty Museum (C), Israel Museum (E), Jewish Theological Seminary (C), Library of Congress (E/C), Magnes Museum (E/C), National Library of Canada (C), New York Public Library (E/C) Princeton University Library (C), Skirball Museum (E/C), Stanford University Library (C), Yale University Library(C), Yeshiva University Museum (E/C)
P.O. Box 10568, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Phone: [972] 2 673-2656
Fax: [972] 2 671-1269