
Thank you

The Magnes greatly appreciates the generosity of supporters whose gifts make everything we do possible and enrich the lives of those in our community.

The following list includes donors who supported the Magnes between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Institutional Funders

Alameda County Arts Commission

Berkeley Public Schools Fund

David Berg Foundation

East Bay Community Foundation

Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust

Hellman Foundation

Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund


Koret Foundation

Magnes Museum Foundation

Magnes Museum Foundation’s Esther and Jacques Reutlinger Fund

San Francisco Foundation

Sunrise Foundation for Education and the Arts

Taube Philanthropies

Temple Sinai of Oakland

Walter & Elise Haas Fund

Anonymous (2)

Leadership Circle

Ruth Arnhold

Sue & Ronald Peter Bachman

Joan Bieder

Allan & Sydne Bortel

George Breslauer

Helen Bulwik

Jennifer Chaiken & Sam Hamilton In memory of Mr. Donald Chaiken
& Ms. Carole Chaiken

Barry & Debra Cohn

Sandra Coliver In memory of Mr. Norman Coliver

Susan Coliver & Robert Herman In memory of Mr. Norman Coliver

Donald & Carole Chaiken Foundation

Holly Doyne & George Rehm

Elizabeth & Norman Edelstein

Edwin & Sandra Pearl Epstein

Vallery Feldman

Herbert & Marianne Friedman

Marcia & John Goldman

Susan Goldstein & Andrew Kivel

Richard & Lorrie Levin Greene

Joan Grossman

Adele Marie Hayutin

Florence Helzel

Lawrence & Rebekah Helzel In honor of Mrs. Florence B. Helzel

Fred J. Isaac Philanthropic Fund

Lauren & George John

Randall & Jan Kessler

Andrea King

Deborah & David Kirshman

Kenneth Kofman

Carole & Ted Krumland

Susan Morris

Richard Nagler & Sheila Sosnow

Ellice & James Charles Papp

Deborah Peluse

Fran Quittel

Louise Adler Sampson

Gary & Dana Shapiro

Valerie Sopher

Jerry & Melody Howe Weintraub

Hannah Weisman & Mike Peluse

Friends of the Magnes

Terry Alexander

Margaret Alkon & Jonathan Marshall

Victor & K. B. Alterescu

Nicholas Arzio

Fred David Astren

David & Vivian Auslander

Susan & Marc Backer

Jaimie Baron

Deborah Bayer

Barbara A. Berger

Alan & Joanne Bernstein

Marsha & Stephen Berzon

Rachel Biale In memory of Dr. David J. Biale

Barbara Bibel

Harvey & Bonnie Bichkoff In honor of Rabbi Michael P. Lerner

Steven Birnbaum

Leslie & Paul Blachman

Beverly Blatt & David Filipek

Judith Bloom

Barbara & Howard Bomze

Denah Bookstein In honor of Dr. Francesco Spagnolo & Hannah Weisman

Mike & Ruth Botchan

Joan Lori Bradus & Dale Friedman

David Brandon

Sheila & Art Braufman

Marc Brenman

Lisa Brinner

Robert Brody & Andrea Jacoby

Richard Brooks

Jerome Burke

Philip Charney

Donna Chazen

Ekaterina Chirikova

Judy Chong

Kay Churgel

Janis Clark

Sara Cleveland

Maya & Steven Cohn

Robbie Cohn

Richard James & Marilyn Collier

Susan David

Barbara Gross Davis

Howard Davis

Frances Dinkelspiel & Gary Wayne

Martin & Jill Dodd

Linda Dow & James Asher Morgenstern

Rebecca Golbert

Christopher Dueñas

Kenneth & Christina Einstein

Angela & Eli Eisenpress

Dianne Ellsworth

Harold & Diana Feiger

Michael Anthony Fein & Maria David

Anita & Steven Feinstein In honor of Hannah Weisman

Lewis Feldman

Ron Feldman

Sam Ferman

Doris Renee Fine

David Fisher

Thomas Flynn

William & Andrea Foley

Selma & Paul Forkash

Shelly Forster

Aileen Frankel

James Frazin

Ednah Friedman

Nick Gerson & Jackie Rosenson

Muriel Gillick

Allen & Shirley Ginzburg

Christa & Andrew Goldblatt

Michaela Goldhaber

Stephen & Elisabeth Katz Goodman

Rosann Greenspan

Barry Gross In memory of Mr. Marvin H. Lewis, Esq.

Marsha & Ralph Guggenheim

Larry Hanover

Ann Hasse & Erich Gruen

Dorith Hertz & Teven Laxer

Stanley Hoffman

Betsy & William Houston

Mark & Estie Sid Hudes

Jurdy Hughes & Patricia Bordonaro In memory of Ernst Siegmar Valfer, Ph.D.

Rachel Humphrey

Elizabeth Ingersoll

Jane Kaasa

Patty Kates & Henry Brady

Ethan Katz

Deborah Kaufman & Alan Snitow

Dianna & Robert Kehlmann

Marjorie Kirk

Cathy & Jim Koshland

Amy Kronenberg

Judith & Edouard Kujawski

Joan Kung & Howard Levy

Barbara Kuperstein

Steven Kusnitz

Valerie Lapin

Sherrill & Janos Laszlo

Michael Levine

Ann Lofgren Glaser

Doris Marx

Willy & Susan Springer Mautner

Barbara Meislin

Paul & Roni Melmed

Mr. Irving Rabin

Mary & Peter Mills

Marilyn Morris

Morse Family Foundation

Leonard Katz

Carol Sue Mimura & Jeremy William Thorner

Patricia Keer Munro

Goldie Negelev

Gregory & Lisa Niemeyer

Daphne & Samuel Noily

Carol & Kenneth Ogren

Lenore Olmstead

Steven & Joan Ominsky

Mary Owen & Norman Weinstein In honor of Prof. Emer. Edwin M. Epstein

Garry I. G. Parton

Ruth & Barry Phillips

Kenneth & Joyce Polse

Mel Pomerantz In memory of Ms. Evelyn Pomerantz

Linda Rafferty

James Rebhan

Janette Reid

Sherri Richards Flynn In memory of Mr. Seymour Fromer

William Ringer & Robin Berry

Bernard & Yetta Robinson

Brian Rogol

Susan Rose

Regina E. Rosen

Howard Roy Rosenberg

David & Phyllis Rothman

Rita Rowan

Raine Rude

Alan & Maxine Rudy

Dorothy Saxe

Elisabeth Scharbaum

Barbara Schick

Karine Schomer

Theodora & Bruce Schwab

Michael Several

Dan Slobin

Sandra Spector In honor of Mr. Michael E. Spector

Gail & John Swartzberg

Stuart Swiedler & Judith Weiss

Dolores Taller

Ryan Terribilini

Anne Tick

Isabella Tomas

Malcolm Trifon & Selma Sarah Meyerowitz

Julie Tsivia

Lisa Vandenberg

Gerald & Bobbie Wagger

Jeffrey Warwick

Gerald Weintraub

Gigi Weisman In memory of William Mendelson; In honor of Hannah Weisman

David & Kathryn Mickle Werdegar

Gerald Westheimer

Bruce & Margaret Hartmann Winkelman

Diane & Joshua Wirtschafter

Leslie Wolf

Marian Faye Wolfe & Scott Scheffler

Bill Zarchy

Vicki & Steve Zatkin

Sheldon & Martha Zedec

Anonymous (11)

In Kind Gifts

Sonia Melnikova-Raich

Richard Nagler

Programming Partners

Campus Partners

Austrian Center at the Institute of European Studies

Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive

Center for Jewish Studies

Department of English

Department of German

Department of History

Dutch Studies

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Helen Diller Institute for Israel Studies  and Jewish Law

Community Partners

Berkeley Unified School District

Goethe-Institut San Francisco


Jewish Film Institute

Open Austria/Austrian Consulate San Francisco

Taube Philanthropies

theatre dybbuk

Yiddish Theatre Ensemble

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